2014 Malta International Scrabble Open

May 17–19, 2014

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Commentary: Round 21

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Open Division

Allan Simmons (Sco) beats David Delicata (MLT) 453-358; Helen Gipson (Sco) beats a15 493-365. Simmons on 18-3 +1803 leads Gipson on 15-6 +1319 by three wins, but not enough to be Gibsonized. They will face each other for the rest of the event, or until Helen loses a game. Behind her are five players on 13 wins, contending for third and perhaps even second place.

Elie Dangoor's (Eng) 461-476 loss to Simon Gillam (Sco) was the second highest of the event.

Play resumes after lunch at 14:30 MET.

Second Division

Mario Seychell (MLT) loses to Sammy Mangion (MLT) by a single point, thereby failing to clinch first place before lunch.

He ends the morning ahead of Sammy Mangion (MLT) and Josephine Mayo (MLT) by three games, 17-4 +820 to their 14-7 +769 and +286, and will face Josephine for a third time in the next round.

Division A Round 21 Auto-Commentary

High Win: Chris Lipe (USA) 513-332 vs. Louise Love (AUS). Low Win: Nuala O'Rourke (NIr) 378-377 vs. Keiichiro Hirai (JPN). High Loss: Elie Dangoor (Eng) 461-476 vs. Simon Gillam (Sco). Low Loss: John Barker (AUS) 316-399 vs. Nicky Vella-Laurenti (MLT).

Division B Round 21 Auto-Commentary

High Win: Brid Ni Bhriain (IRL) 486-382 vs. Moira Fenech (MLT). Low Win: Pawlu Frendo (MLT) 355-288 vs. Linda Marguy (ISR). High Loss: Moira Fenech (MLT) 382-486 vs. Brid Ni Bhriain (IRL). Low Loss: Linda Marguy (ISR) 288-355 vs. Pawlu Frendo (MLT).

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