Round by Round |
High score: 526 Average for: 383 Average against: 388 |
Round 1 | | Malta | Strautmanis played #19 Pauline Cilia (MLT) and won 433 to 288 (a spread of 145). Current ranking: #2. Current record: 1-0, +145. Strautmanis is mentioned in this round’s commentary (2 hits). |
Round 2 | | Malta | Strautmanis played #5 Sammy Mangion (MLT) and lost 386 to 456 (a spread of -70). Current ranking: #18. Current record: 1-1, +75. Strautmanis is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit). |
Round 3 | | Australia | Strautmanis played #41 Jacqui Pearce (AUS) and won 526 to 346 (a spread of 180). Current ranking: #10. Current record: 2-1, +255. Strautmanis is mentioned in this round’s commentary (3 hits). |
Round 4 | | United States | Strautmanis played #23 Cheryl Melvin (USA) and won 377 to 334 (a spread of 43). Current ranking: #7. Current record: 3-1, +298. Strautmanis is mentioned in this round’s commentary (2 hits). |
Round 5 | | Israel | Strautmanis played #28 Miriam Erez (ISR) and won 421 to 341 (a spread of 80). Current ranking: #4. Current record: 4-1, +378. Strautmanis is mentioned in this round’s commentary (2 hits). Strautmanis is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (4 hits). |
Round 6 | | Hungary | Strautmanis played #17 Ferenc Gerlits (HUN) and won 398 to 357 (a spread of 41). Current ranking: #3. Current record: 5-1, +419. Strautmanis is mentioned in this round’s commentary (2 hits). |
Round 7 | | New Zealand | Strautmanis played #30 Mary Gray (NZL) and lost 298 to 426 (a spread of -128). Current ranking: #5. Current record: 5-2, +291. Strautmanis is mentioned in this round’s commentary (2 hits). |
Round 8 | | Malta | Strautmanis played #4 Josephine Mayo (MLT) and won 414 to 364 (a spread of 50). Current ranking: #5. Current record: 6-2, +341. Strautmanis is mentioned in this round’s commentary (2 hits). Strautmanis is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (8 hits). |
Round 9 | | Japan | Strautmanis played #32 Kunihiko Kuroda (JPN) and lost 298 to 399 (a spread of -101). Current ranking: #9. Current record: 6-3, +240. Strautmanis is mentioned in this round’s commentary (3 hits). |
Round 10 | | England | Strautmanis played #10 George Newman (Eng) and won 447 to 382 (a spread of 65). Current ranking: #6. Current record: 7-3, +305. Strautmanis is mentioned in this round’s commentary (2 hits). |
Round 11 | | Malta | Strautmanis played #29 Marlene Calleja (MLT) and lost 310 to 434 (a spread of -124). Current ranking: #13. Current record: 7-4, +181. Strautmanis is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit). |
Round 12 | | Ireland | Strautmanis played #3 Brid Ni Bhriain (IRL) and lost 292 to 522 (a spread of -230). Current ranking: #16. Current record: 7-5, -49. Strautmanis is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit). |
Round 13 | | New Zealand | Strautmanis played #27 Betty Eriksen (NZL) and lost 403 to 492 (a spread of -89). Current ranking: #21. Current record: 7-6, -138. Strautmanis is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit). |
Round 14 | | Malta | Strautmanis played #22 Anna Borg (MLT) and lost 268 to 432 (a spread of -164). Current ranking: #29. Current record: 7-7, -302. Strautmanis is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit). |
Round 15 | | Ireland | Strautmanis played #14 Mary Doyle (IRL) and won 437 to 428 (a spread of 9). Current ranking: #20. Current record: 8-7, -293. Strautmanis is mentioned in this round’s commentary (2 hits). |
Round 16 | | Malta | Strautmanis played #35 Alfred Xuereb (MLT) and won 451 to 381 (a spread of 70). Current ranking: #15. Current record: 9-7, -223. Strautmanis is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit). |
Round 17 | | Australia | Strautmanis played #7 Francoise Finlayson (AUS) and lost 325 to 353 (a spread of -28). Current ranking: #24. Current record: 9-8, -251. Strautmanis is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit). |
Round 18 | | Australia | Strautmanis played #16 Richard Birch (AUS) and won 373 to 349 (a spread of 24). Current ranking: #18. Current record: 10-8, -227. Strautmanis is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit). |
Round 19 | | Canada | Strautmanis played #42 Maureen Morris (CAN) and lost 358 to 372 (a spread of -14). Current ranking: #23. Current record: 10-9, -241. Strautmanis is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit). |
Round 20 | | Ireland | Strautmanis played #6 Eileen Meghen (IRL) and won 397 to 338 (a spread of 59). Current ranking: #16. Current record: 11-9, -182. Strautmanis is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit). |
Round 21 | | England | Strautmanis played #12 Pini Stimler (Eng) and lost 423 to 425 (a spread of -2). Current ranking: #20. Current record: 11-10, -184. |
Round 22 | | New Zealand | Strautmanis played #25 Anne Goldstein (NZL) and lost 362 to 475 (a spread of -113). Current ranking: #28. Current record: 11-11, -297. |
Round 23 | | Israel | Strautmanis played #40 Marion Loewenstein (ISR) and won 404 to 293 (a spread of 111). Current ranking: #24. Current record: 12-11, -186. |
Round 24 | | Japan | Strautmanis played #18 Warodom Geamsakul (JPN) and lost 346 to 426 (a spread of -80). Current ranking: #28. Current record: 12-12, -266. |
Round 25 | | England | Strautmanis played #43 Jacqui Jacobs (Eng) and won 426 to 286 (a spread of 140). Current ranking: #25. Current record: 13-12, -126. |