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TRUE AMath Championship 2017: Piriyapon Wangplub [#23]

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On this page, you will find information about Piriyapon Wangplub, who is competing at the TRUE AMath Thailand International Championship 2017. This page was updated at least hourly between 09:00 A.M. and midnight local time. This player currently has a record of 5-2, +780, and is ranked #5.

Lower on this page, you can find brief self-reported biographical details of the player, statistics on the player’s past several years of rated tournament play in North America, a graphic showing the player’s ups and downs at this tournament, and a round-by-round report on the player’s opponents and games.

Background Information

[no photo available]

Given name(s): Piriyapon
Surname(s): Wangplub
Home: Thailand
TRUE AMath Championship 2017 Team: Thailand

Round by Round

High score: 685
Average for: 514
Average against: 403

Round 1

[no photo available]


Wangplub played #11 Kriangkrai Somemarak (THA) and won 565 to 227 (a spread of 338).

Current ranking: #2.

Current record: 1-0, +338.

Wangplub is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Round 2

[photo of Peerawit Tanapiched]


Wangplub played #20 Peerawit Tanapiched (THA) and lost 397 to 480 (a spread of -83).

Current ranking: #16.

Current record: 1-1, +255.

Round 3

[no photo available]


Wangplub played #32 Kantapon Decharoensri (THA) and won 473 to 428 (a spread of 45).

Current ranking: #14.

Current record: 2-1, +300.

Round 4

[photo of Supagorn Vimonvanich]


Wangplub played #46 Supagorn Vimonvanich (THA) and lost 406 to 535 (a spread of -129).

Current ranking: #25.

Current record: 2-2, +171.

Round 5

[no photo available]


Wangplub played #40 Nonthapat Nawbuntud (THA) and won 685 to 400 (a spread of 285).

Current ranking: #14.

Current record: 3-2, +456.

Wangplub is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Round 6

[no photo available]


Wangplub played #21 Nuttawat Issaranawat (THA) and won 507 to 368 (a spread of 139).

Current ranking: #8.

Current record: 4-2, +595.

Wangplub is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Round 7

[photo of Trin Chotivanich]


Wangplub played #10 Trin Chotivanich (THA) and won 567 to 382 (a spread of 185).

Current ranking: #5.

Current record: 5-2, +780.

Wangplub is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Round 8   

Wangplub recorded a loss with a spread of -100 points.

Current ranking: this round’s game not yet complete.

Current record: not yet available.

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