![]() Peter Armstrong 120 Brett Smitheram AAAEENN 86 Last play: Peter: DEHILTV 10e VELDT +11 120 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 11) best J2 HIT 27 63.12% DELV 1.83 10H (D)IVED 18 61.77% HLT 5.32 10E VIL(D) 10 60.20% DEHT 5.91 10D DIVE(D) 18 60.20% HLT 6.04 10F HI(D)ED 22 60.13% LTV 6.08 10D HIVE(D) 20 60.02% DLT 6.31 10F VI(D) 15 59.85% DEHLT 6.82 5A LITH 19 59.70% DEV 6.24 10H (D)EVIL 17 59.47% DHT 7.05 J2 DIT 21 59.44% EHLV 8.08*10E VEL(D)T 11 58.94% DHI |
Tiles remaining: 64>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
1 | Peter: | ADGMNOW | h7 | GOWD | +18 | 18 | |
2 | Brett: | EHIOPQU | i3 | QUIPO | +31 | 31 | |
3 | Peter: | ADEMNRU | g2 | DURAMEN | +69 | 87 | |
4 | Brett: | AEEHNNT | f4 | ETH | +33 | 64 | |
5 | Peter: | ADEFHTV | 4c | FAVER | +22 | 109 | |
6 | Brett: | AAENNOP | 3b | POA | +22 | 86 |
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