Komol DERRRTY 276 Piotr Andronowski 294 Blanks: O12=G. Last play: Piotr_Andronowski: EILMNUW 13k WINS +45 294 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 1) best *13K WIN(S) 45 49.40% ELMU 2.47 13K WEN(S) 45 47.53% ILMU 15.0 B14 UM 20 37.60% EILNW 15.9 3L LUM 20 37.11% EINW 18.4 K11 M(A)W 24 36.11% EILNU 18.2 K1 UNM(E)W 20 35.88% EIL 16.8 13K LIN(S) 36 35.87% EMUW 17.9 H12 (C)ULM 24 35.09% EINW 19.3 3L WEM 29 34.44% ILNU 20.5 5K MU 18 33.11% EILNW |
Tiles remaining: 30>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
1 | Komol: | AEEGIOP | 8c | APOGEE | +24 | 24 | |
2 | Piotr_Andronowski: | BKNRTWY | e7 | WONKY | +30 | 30 | |
3 | Komol: | AAIOUUZ | 10b | ZOUK | +37 | 61 | |
4 | Piotr_Andronowski: | BQRSTTW | -BQRTTW | +0 | 30 | ||
5 | Komol: | ?AAAEIU | 9g | EAU | +10 | 71 | |
6 | Piotr_Andronowski: | DEEIJST | c7 | JA | +17 | 47 | |
7 | Komol: | ?AAIINU | 11b | AI | +15 | 86 | |
8 | Piotr_Andronowski: | DEEIRST | j6 | DIESTER | +68 | 115 | |
9 | Komol: | ?ACINTU | 12h | CURATINg | +74 | 160 | |
10 | Piotr_Andronowski: | AFIILST | n6 | TAILFINS | +71 | 186 | |
11 | Komol: | ACEHIIO | o4 | CHIAO | +49 | 209 | |
12 | Piotr_Andronowski: | ELLMPWX | i4 | PLEX | +41 | 227 | |
13 | Komol: | AEEHINO | 4i | PAEONIC | +22 | 231 | |
14 | Piotr_Andronowski: | EILMNQW | 11m | QI | +22 | 249 | |
15 | Komol: | EEHIMRR | a11 | RHIME | +45 | 276 |
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