Panupol Sujjayakorn EGINNOS 119 Nigel Richards 196 Last play: Nigel_Richards: ?FKNORV 12l KERF +30 196 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 1) best *12L K(E)RF 30 89.07% ?NOV 2.56 12L K(E)F 20 88.09% ?NORV 8.30 N12 FORK 29 86.91% ?NV 7.87 12L N(E)RK 26 86.71% ?FOV 9.22 12L R(E)NK 26 86.50% ?FOV 8.01 12L R(E)V 12 86.26% ?FKNO 6.09 12L N(E)K 14 85.93% ?FORV 10.7 9E FORK 19 85.45% ?NV 13.1 9G FRO 20 84.93% ?KNV 14.6 K1 VOR 12 84.15% ?FKN |
Tiles remaining: 51>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 | Panupol_Sujjayakorn: | ACEIMNU | 8h | UMIAC | +24 | 24 | |
2 | Nigel_Richards: | ABIJLRT | k7 | BAJRI | +28 | 28 | |
3 | Panupol_Sujjayakorn: | EEFINOT | 7g | FOE | +18 | 42 | |
4 | Nigel_Richards: | AAHILOT | l7 | OCA | +18 | 46 | |
5 | Panupol_Sujjayakorn: | EEEILNT | m9 | INLET | +23 | 65 | |
6 | Nigel_Richards: | ABHILTT | m3 | BAITH | +40 | 86 | |
7 | Panupol_Sujjayakorn: | CEENOSU | n1 | CUE | +14 | 79 | |
8 | Nigel_Richards: | KLLRSTY | n8 | SLY | +38 | 124 | |
9 | Panupol_Sujjayakorn: | ENOOOSY | l3 | OY | +25 | 104 | |
10 | Nigel_Richards: | EKLORTV | o4 | VOLET | +42 | 166 | |
11 | Panupol_Sujjayakorn: | EEINOOS | 1m | ECO | +15 | 119 |
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