Thacha Koowirat 289 Adam Logan ??ADEFG 267 Last play: Thacha: GIILRST k2 LIGS +36 289 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 1) best *K2 LIGS 36 57.06% IRT 4.87 K2 GRIS 36 53.58% ILT 6.18 K1 GIRTS 38 53.34% IL 5.93 K2 TILS 34 52.79% GIR 6.33 K1 TRIGS 38 52.65% IL 7.18 K2 GITS 36 52.39% ILR 7.02 K2 RITS 34 52.11% GIL 7.54 K3 ITS 32 51.92% GILR 8.92 K2 RIGS 36 51.01% ILT 8.81 K2 TIGS 36 50.96% ILR |
Tiles remaining: 39>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
1 | Thacha: | EEHORSW | h4 | WHERESO | +84 | 84 | |
2 | Adam: | ADEEJLY | 6f | JEELY | +39 | 39 | |
3 | Thacha: | ABDKMOS | 5g | DHAK | +26 | 110 | |
4 | Adam: | AADEOPT | 9e | ADESPOTA | +65 | 104 | |
5 | Thacha: | BGIMORS | 8l | BRIG | +37 | 147 | |
6 | Adam: | AENRTUZ | 8a | AZURE | +47 | 151 | |
7 | Thacha: | IMOOSTY | 10j | YOM | +38 | 185 | |
8 | Adam: | AELNRTT | a8 | ALTERANT | +77 | 228 | |
9 | Thacha: | AEINOST | 12a | ROSINATE | +68 | 253 | |
10 | Adam: | ?DFGOPX | h12 | EXPO | +39 | 267 |
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