NIgel Richards 420 Worasit AEIMOST 350 Blanks: C8=I. Last play: NIgel_Richards: ?CCILTV 12j ICICLE +10 420 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 1) 5.00*12J IC(I)CL(E) 10 100.0% ?TV 9.00 12K C(I)VI(E) 10 100.0% ?CLT 9.00 11G VICTo(R) 20 100.0% CL 10.0 J2 ViT(R)IC 20 100.0% CL 12.0 J2 VIT(R)iC 18 100.0% CL 18.0 B13 TaV 18 100.0% CCIL 20.0 12K C(I)Vi(E) 9 100.0% CILT 20.0 10H VICe(D) 16 100.0% CLT 22.0 J2 CLa(R)T 14 100.0% CIV 34.0 B13 LaV 18 100.0% CCIT |
Tiles remaining: 3>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 | NIgel_Richards: | AEHOPRW | h3 | PHWOAR | +36 | 36 | |
2 | Worasit: | EEKRSTX | g7 | KEX | +40 | 40 | |
3 | NIgel_Richards: | ADEGNPU | f4 | UNPAGED | +91 | 127 | |
4 | Worasit: | AEERRST | e9 | TEARERS | +77 | 117 | |
5 | NIgel_Richards: | EINORTU | 15e | SNOUTIER | +77 | 204 | |
6 | Worasit: | AABQSTY | 14i | ABY | +31 | 148 | |
7 | NIgel_Richards: | EEENRSU | d10 | NEE | +16 | 220 | |
8 | Worasit: | AFLLQST | 13g | QAT | +27 | 175 | |
9 | NIgel_Richards: | AEHORSU | 5h | WAREHOUS | +78 | 298 | |
10 | Worasit: | ?FGLLSZ | n4 | GULF | +10 | 185 | |
11 | NIgel_Richards: | AEEIIII | -EIII | +0 | 298 | ||
12 | Worasit: | ?DLLOSZ | l3 | DZHO | +34 | 219 | |
13 | NIgel_Richards: | AEINRTU | o7 | AUNTIE | +26 | 324 | |
14 | Worasit: | ?DELLOS | c4 | DOLLiES | +64 | 283 | |
15 | NIgel_Richards: | IIMNNOR | d3 | MINION | +32 | 356 | |
16 | Worasit: | BEFIIST | c12 | FIB | +22 | 305 | |
17 | NIgel_Richards: | AGLRVWY | 8k | WAGYU | +25 | 381 | |
18 | Worasit: | AEIJOST | 8a | JOiN | +30 | 335 | |
19 | NIgel_Richards: | DEILRVV | l10 | DRIVER | +29 | 410 | |
20 | Worasit: | AEIIOST | m4 | IO | +15 | 350 |
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