Isaac Mwabe 318 Oyabole Alli DDEENNS 246 Blanks: L15=S. M4=A. Last play: Isaac: ?AEIRTV m3 VaRIATE +82 318 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 4) 10.2 M3 VIbRATE 82 95.76% best M3 TAIVERt 78 93.94% 12.5 M3 pRIVATE 82 93.94% 15.2*M3 VaRIATE 82 93.94% 22.4 M3 VARIaTE 78 93.56% 21.4 M3 eVIRATE 82 93.48% 14.0 M3 VIRgATE 82 92.80% 21.2 K4 VERAcIT(Y) 76 92.80% 9.67 M3 tAIVERT 82 92.73% 19.4 M3 TAIVERs 78 90.91% |
Tiles remaining: 14>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
1 | Isaac: | AAADIIO | 8e | AIDA | +10 | 10 | |
2 | Oyabole: | BFILOPR | 7b | ROLF | +13 | 13 | |
3 | Isaac: | AILMOUY | 9c | MAY | +20 | 30 | |
4 | Oyabole: | BIMNOPS | 10b | MOB | +21 | 34 | |
5 | Isaac: | DEILORU | 11c | LOUD | +20 | 50 | |
6 | Oyabole: | IIINPST | 12e | TIPI | +12 | 46 | |
7 | Isaac: | AEIJNRU | 13c | JEAN | +29 | 79 | |
8 | Oyabole: | ?INSTYZ | 11h | SIZY | +34 | 80 | |
9 | Isaac: | EEIRSTU | 13h | SUETIER | +69 | 148 | |
10 | Oyabole: | ?CNRTTW | m11 | CREW | +9 | 89 | |
11 | Isaac: | EEGNORU | 12l | GRUE | +20 | 168 | |
12 | Oyabole: | ?NOSTTV | o8 | STOVE | +24 | 113 | |
13 | Isaac: | EGINOOR | 14l | OWER | +24 | 192 | |
14 | Oyabole: | ?AGINNT | 15f | ANTINGs | +75 | 188 | |
15 | Isaac: | EGINOTW | 6e | OWING | +27 | 219 | |
16 | Oyabole: | AEEHKLN | n7 | LEAK | +38 | 226 | |
17 | Isaac: | AEEIORT | 14b | ROE | +17 | 236 | |
18 | Oyabole: | EEHHNNS | 6a | HEH | +20 | 246 |
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