Patrick Mpundu EELPRTU 91 Lukeman Owolabi 113 Blanks: H1=O. Last play: Lukeman: AABEGIK e3 BIGA +27 113 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 2) best E1 AKEBIA 37 54.93% G 3.27*E3 BIGA 27 53.11% AEK 10.3 E4 AKA 27 49.69% BEGI 11.0 E3 AIGA 23 49.24% BEK 11.7 7E GI 26 48.81% AABEK 13.8 10B KEG 30 47.91% AABI 14.4 2F KI(V)A 21 47.57% ABEG 14.3 E4 KEA 27 47.56% ABGI 15.1 E4 AGA 21 47.28% BEIK 15.2 E4 ABA 23 47.24% EGIK |
Tiles remaining: 71>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
1 | Patrick: | DEEFNOR | 8d | FONDER | +28 | 28 | |
2 | Lukeman: | ?DGMMRW | -MWMG | +0 | 0 | ||
3 | Patrick: | ELPQRWX | 9c | WEX | +31 | 59 | |
4 | Lukeman: | ?ADERRV | h1 | oVERDARE | +86 | 86 | |
5 | Patrick: | ELPQRTU | 6f | QUA | +32 | 91 |
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