![]() Nigel Richards BEEHORY 321 Komol 286 Last play: Komol: DIIMSTT 4k TIMID +30 286 Quackle Report --Championship Player's choices (your play: 1) best *4K TIMID 30 22.91% ST 3.42 4K MID 23 19.22% ISTT 5.26 3B MITT 24 18.99% DIS 7.47 3B DITT 22 16.86% IMS 9.15 3B DIT 14 16.50% IMST 13.2 3K TIMID 18 16.43% ST 9.13 4K DIT 17 16.24% IMST 7.52 1J TIMIST 37 15.79% D 12.1 4K TID 17 15.39% IMST 13.2 M2 TIM(E)D 16 15.08% IST |
Tiles remaining: 25>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 | Nigel_Richards: | DKNRU | h8 | DRUNK | +30 | 30 | |
2 | Komol: | DIOPRTZ | 10g | PUTZ | +35 | 35 | |
3 | Nigel_Richards: | CEEELUV | g7 | VEEP | +20 | 50 | |
4 | Komol: | DINORRS | 12d | DRINK | +20 | 55 | |
5 | Nigel_Richards: | CEFILSU | e6 | LUCIFERS | +76 | 126 | |
6 | Komol: | IJOORST | 13b | JOIST | +29 | 84 | |
7 | Nigel_Richards: | AAHILNW | b10 | WILJA | +46 | 172 | |
8 | Komol: | EORRSTU | i2 | TOURERS | +63 | 147 | |
9 | Nigel_Richards: | AEHIILN | 5f | HAIRLINE | +72 | 244 | |
10 | Komol: | AEFILOS | 2d | FOLIATES | +65 | 212 | |
11 | Nigel_Richards: | AABEGOP | a8 | AGAPE | +39 | 283 | |
12 | Komol: | EMNSTUW | 1a | UNMEW | +44 | 256 | |
13 | Nigel_Richards: | BEOQRTY | h1 | QAT | +38 | 321 |
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