Jesse Day 509 Puneet Sharma ADEIJNT 328 Blanks: J10=D. K5=T. Last play: Jesse_Day: AGGNRSS 13e SUN +13 509 |
Tiles remaining: 5>
Page: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
1 | Jesse_Day: | ?AEIOQR | 8g | QI | +22 | 22 | |
2 | Puneet_Sharma: | CGMNNUV | i6 | MUNG | +22 | 22 | |
3 | Jesse_Day: | ?AEORRZ | 10d | RAZOREd | +93 | 115 | |
4 | Jesse_Day: | ADLNOTU | (penalty for failed challenge) | +5 | 120 | ||
5 | Puneet_Sharma: | ACEHNOV | d6 | CHEVRON | +32 | 54 | |
6 | Jesse_Day: | ADLNOTU | 12b | NONADULT | +60 | 180 | |
7 | Puneet_Sharma: | AAEEFOP | b10 | APNOEA | +20 | 74 | |
8 | Jesse_Day: | AEIIRSU | f12 | DUI | +6 | 186 | |
9 | Puneet_Sharma: | AEFINTY | a14 | FY | +44 | 118 | |
10 | Jesse_Day: | ?AEIIRS | 5e | AIRIESt | +83 | 269 | |
11 | Jesse_Day: | BOOPTTU | (penalty for failed challenge) | +5 | 274 | ||
12 | Puneet_Sharma: | AEFIINT | 15d | FITNA | +41 | 159 | |
13 | Jesse_Day: | BOOPTTU | a7 | PUTTO | +27 | 301 | |
14 | Puneet_Sharma: | DDEEIOR | c12 | ODE | +20 | 179 | |
15 | Jesse_Day: | BEEILOR | h1 | ORIBI | +30 | 331 | |
16 | Puneet_Sharma: | DEEIORV | 2e | OVERRIDE | +72 | 251 | |
17 | Jesse_Day: | EELLMSY | 1l | YLEM | +48 | 379 | |
18 | Puneet_Sharma: | BCEIIWW | 3l | WICE | +27 | 278 | |
19 | Jesse_Day: | AEEHLST | b2 | LATHEES | +80 | 459 | |
20 | Puneet_Sharma: | BEIKOTW | c1 | KOW | +32 | 310 | |
21 | Jesse_Day: | AGLNRSX | g1 | LEX | +37 | 496 | |
22 | Puneet_Sharma: | ABDEINT | 11d | OB | +18 | 328 |
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