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2008 Big Apple SCRABBLE® Showdown

Round 11 Ranked Pairings

BoardWho Plays Whom
1Cappelletto, Brian (01) vs. Sherman, Joel (02) 2nd time
2Thevenot, Geoff (06) vs. Goldstein, Eric (17)
3Graham, Matt (03) vs. Katz-Brown, Jason (04) 2nd time
4Appel, Scott (10) vs. Koenig, David (15)
5OLaughlin, John (09) vs. Linn, Robert (13)
6Zxqkj, Winter (16) vs. Berg, Verna Richards (19)
7Edley, Joe (08) vs. Avrin, Paul (18)
8Wiegand, Dave (07) vs. Kantimathi, Sam (12)
9Cree, Chris (11) vs. Daniel, Robin Pollock (05)
10Johnson, David (20) vs. Cushman, Lynn (14)

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