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2008 Big Apple SCRABBLE® Showdown

Round 2 Alphabetic Pairings

5Appel, Scott (10) ?Johnson, David (20) ?
6Avrin, Paul (18) ?Sherman, Joel (02) ?
10Berg, Verna Richards (19) ?OLaughlin, John (09) ?
1Cappelletto, Brian (01) ?Goldstein, Eric (17) ?
9Cree, Chris (11) ?Wiegand, Dave (07) ?
8Cushman, Lynn (14) ?Thevenot, Geoff (06) ?
3Daniel, Robin Pollock (05) ?Linn, Robert (13) ?
4Edley, Joe (08) ?Kantimathi, Sam (12) ?
1Goldstein, Eric (17) ?Cappelletto, Brian (01) ?
7Graham, Matt (03) ?Koenig, David (15) ?
5Johnson, David (20) ?Appel, Scott (10) ?
4Kantimathi, Sam (12) ?Edley, Joe (08) ?
2Katz-Brown, Jason (04) ?Zxqkj, Winter (16) ?
7Koenig, David (15) ?Graham, Matt (03) ?
3Linn, Robert (13) ?Daniel, Robin Pollock (05) ?
10OLaughlin, John (09) ?Berg, Verna Richards (19) ?
6Sherman, Joel (02) ?Avrin, Paul (18) ?
8Thevenot, Geoff (06) ?Cushman, Lynn (14) ?
9Wiegand, Dave (07) ?Cree, Chris (11) ?
2Zxqkj, Winter (16) ?Katz-Brown, Jason (04) ?

This report was generated using tsh version 3.250. For more information about tsh, please ask John Chew.