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Rank | Sum of Spreads | Losing Spreads | Won-Lost | Spread | Class | Player |
1 | 440 | 8 20 62 99 114 137 | 2.0- 6.0 | -271 | B | Parkin, Dave (#41/MLT) |
2 | 448 | 1 13 23 103 107 201 | 2.0- 6.0 | -234 | B | Morgan, Mary (#34/IRL) |
3 | 577 | 1 6 88 120 170 192 | 2.0- 6.0 | -417 | B | Cilia, Pauline (#29/MLT) |
4 | 668 | 41 53 101 110 142 221 | 2.0- 6.0 | -534 | B | Xuereb, Alfred (#40/MLT) |
5 | 715 | 34 60 78 145 175 223 | 1.0- 7.0 | -860 | B | Farrugia, Rosanne (#45/MLT) |
6 | 853 | 83 102 129 130 192 217 | 2.0- 6.0 | -713 | B | Kenny, Bronagh (#33/IRL) |
7 | 891 | 70 76 147 161 172 265 | 2.0- 6.0 | -574 | B | Zammit, Reno (#39/MLT) |
8 | 929 | 74 123 138 168 191 235 | 1.0- 7.0 | -1205 | B | Loewenstein, Marion (#44/ISR) |
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