2017 Malta International Scrabble Open: Late Bird

May 3–4, 2017

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MISO 2017 LB: Division A Top Ten Each Round

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Rd 1

[photo of Cecil Muscat]
1. Cecil Muscat
(1-0, +222)

[photo of Nicky Vella-Laurenti]
2. Nicky Vella-Laurenti
(1-0, +184)

[photo of Kevin Synnott]
3. Kevin Synnott
(1-0, +96)

4. Stefan Rau (USA) (1-0, +95)

5. Steve Perry (Eng) (1-0, +89)

6. Ruth MacInerney (Eng) (1-0, +55)

7. Theresa Brousson (MLT) (1-0, +54)

8. Paul Richards (AUS) (1-0, +50)

9. Terry Kang Rau (USA) (1-0, +6)

10. Karen Richards (AUS) (0-1, -6)

Rd 2

[photo of Nicky Vella-Laurenti]
1. Nicky Vella-Laurenti
(2-0, +288)

[photo of Kevin Synnott]
2. Kevin Synnott
(2-0, +151)

[photo of Stefan Rau]
3. Stefan Rau
(2-0, +121)

4. Ruth MacInerney (Eng) (2-0, +99)

5. Terry Kang Rau (USA) (2-0, +66)

6. Cecil Muscat (MLT) (1-1, +196)

7. Karen Richards (AUS) (1-1, +181)

8. Steve Perry (Eng) (1-1, +55)

9. Vincent Boyle (Sco) (1-1, +40)

10. Bob Violett (Eng) (1-1, +18)

Rd 3

[photo of Stefan Rau]
1. Stefan Rau
(3-0, +334)

[photo of Terry Kang Rau]
2. Terry Kang Rau
(3-0, +87)

[photo of Cecil Muscat]
3. Cecil Muscat
(2-1, +345)

4. Karen Richards (AUS) (2-1, +222)

5. Steve Perry (Eng) (2-1, +179)

6. Vincent Boyle (Sco) (2-1, +91)

7. Nicky Vella-Laurenti (MLT) (2-1, +75)

8. Bob Violett (Eng) (2-1, +62)

9. Ruth MacInerney (Eng) (2-1, +58)

10. Kevin Synnott (Eng) (2-1, +2)

Rd 4

[photo of Stefan Rau]
1. Stefan Rau
(4-0, +339)

[photo of Cecil Muscat]
2. Cecil Muscat
(3-1, +512)

[photo of Karen Richards]
3. Karen Richards
(3-1, +247)

4. Bob Violett (Eng) (3-1, +146)

5. Nicky Vella-Laurenti (MLT) (3-1, +130)

6. Vincent Boyle (Sco) (3-1, +114)

7. Terry Kang Rau (USA) (3-1, -80)

8. Colin Northmore (Eng) (2-2, +180)

9. Theresa Brousson (MLT) (2-2, +175)

10. Steve Perry (Eng) (2-2, +154)

Rd 5

[photo of Stefan Rau]
1. Stefan Rau
(5-0, +491)

[photo of Karen Richards]
2. Karen Richards
(4-1, +346)

[photo of Nicky Vella-Laurenti]
3. Nicky Vella-Laurenti
(4-1, +159)

4. Cecil Muscat (MLT) (3-2, +413)

5. Theresa Brousson (MLT) (3-2, +373)

6. Colin Northmore (Eng) (3-2, +273)

7. Vincent Boyle (Sco) (3-2, +85)

8. Bob Violett (Eng) (3-2, -6)

9. Terry Kang Rau (USA) (3-2, -173)

10. Steve Perry (Eng) (2.5-2.5, +154)

Rd 6

[photo of Stefan Rau]
1. Stefan Rau
(6-0, +549)

[photo of Nicky Vella-Laurenti]
2. Nicky Vella-Laurenti
(5-1, +223)

[photo of Cecil Muscat]
3. Cecil Muscat
(4-2, +435)

4. Karen Richards (AUS) (4-2, +288)

5. Vincent Boyle (Sco) (4-2, +105)

6. Steve Perry (Eng) (3.5-2.5, +230)

7. Theresa Brousson (MLT) (3-3, +297)

8. Colin Northmore (Eng) (3-3, +253)

9. Bob Violett (Eng) (3-3, -28)

10. Ruth MacInerney (Eng) (3-3, -95)

Rd 7

[photo of Stefan Rau]
1. Stefan Rau
(7-0, +558)

[photo of Karen Richards]
2. Karen Richards
(5-2, +422)

[photo of Vincent Boyle]
3. Vincent Boyle
(5-2, +129)

4. Nicky Vella-Laurenti (MLT) (5-2, +89)

5. Steve Perry (Eng) (4.5-2.5, +267)

6. Theresa Brousson (MLT) (4-3, +439)

7. Cecil Muscat (MLT) (4-3, +293)

8. Mario Saliba (MLT) (4-3, -150)

9. Terry Kang Rau (USA) (3.5-3.5, -237)

10. Colin Northmore (Eng) (3-4, +244)

Rd 8

[photo of Stefan Rau]
1. Stefan Rau
(7-1, +493)

[photo of Karen Richards]
2. Karen Richards
(6-2, +451)

[no photo available]
3. Steve Perry
(5.5-2.5, +332)

4. Theresa Brousson (MLT) (5-3, +564)

5. Cecil Muscat (MLT) (5-3, +465)

6. Vincent Boyle (Sco) (5-3, +100)

7. Nicky Vella-Laurenti (MLT) (5-3, -83)

8. Terry Kang Rau (USA) (4.5-3.5, -181)

9. Colin Northmore (Eng) (4-4, +278)

10. Kevin Synnott (Eng) (4-4, -33)

Rd 9

[photo of Stefan Rau]
1. Stefan Rau
(8-1, +554)

[photo of Cecil Muscat]
2. Cecil Muscat
(6-3, +584)

[photo of Karen Richards]
3. Karen Richards
(6-3, +371)

4. Nicky Vella-Laurenti (MLT) (6-3, -51)

5. Steve Perry (Eng) (5.5-3.5, +282)

6. Terry Kang Rau (USA) (5.5-3.5, -131)

7. Theresa Brousson (MLT) (5-4, +501)

8. Kevin Synnott (Eng) (5-4, +30)

9. Vincent Boyle (Sco) (5-4, -19)

10. Colin Northmore (Eng) (4-5, +246)

Rd 10

[photo of Stefan Rau]
1. Stefan Rau
(9-1, +645)

[photo of Karen Richards]
2. Karen Richards
(7-3, +403)

[no photo available]
3. Steve Perry
(6.5-3.5, +392)

4. Cecil Muscat (MLT) (6-4, +566)

5. Vincent Boyle (Sco) (6-4, -16)

6. Nicky Vella-Laurenti (MLT) (6-4, -161)

7. Terry Kang Rau (USA) (5.5-4.5, -222)

8. Theresa Brousson (MLT) (5-5, +473)

9. Colin Northmore (Eng) (5-5, +264)

10. Kevin Synnott (Eng) (5-5, +27)

Rd 11

[photo of Stefan Rau]
1. Stefan Rau
(10-1, +721)

[no photo available]
2. Steve Perry
(7.5-3.5, +625)

[photo of Karen Richards]
3. Karen Richards
(7-4, +276)

4. Vincent Boyle (Sco) (7-4, +50)

5. Nicky Vella-Laurenti (MLT) (7-4, -131)

6. Colin Northmore (Eng) (6-5, +391)

7. Cecil Muscat (MLT) (6-5, +333)

8. Bob Violett (Eng) (6-5, +151)

9. Debbe Hossy (ZAF) (6-5, -329)

10. Terry Kang Rau (USA) (5.5-5.5, -351)

Rd 12

[photo of Stefan Rau]
1. Stefan Rau
(11-1, +769)

[photo of Karen Richards]
2. Karen Richards
(8-4, +300)

[photo of Vincent Boyle]
3. Vincent Boyle
(8-4, +105)

4. Steve Perry (Eng) (7.5-4.5, +601)

5. Colin Northmore (Eng) (7-5, +399)

6. Bob Violett (Eng) (7-5, +176)

7. Nicky Vella-Laurenti (MLT) (7-5, -186)

8. Theresa Brousson (MLT) (6-6, +555)

9. Ruth MacInerney (Eng) (6-6, +366)

10. Cecil Muscat (MLT) (6-6, +285)

Rd 13

[photo of Stefan Rau]
1. Stefan Rau
(12-1, +874)

[photo of Karen Richards]
2. Karen Richards
(9-4, +356)

[photo of Bob Violett]
3. Bob Violett
(8-5, +277)

4. Vincent Boyle (Sco) (8-5, +49)

5. Steve Perry (Eng) (7.5-5.5, +496)

6. Theresa Brousson (MLT) (7-6, +643)

7. Cecil Muscat (MLT) (7-6, +324)

8. Colin Northmore (Eng) (7-6, +311)

9. Nicky Vella-Laurenti (MLT) (7-6, -287)

10. Debbe Hossy (ZAF) (7-6, -403)

Rd 14

[photo of Stefan Rau]
1. Stefan Rau
(12-2, +771)

[photo of Karen Richards]
2. Karen Richards
(10-4, +459)

[photo of Vincent Boyle]
3. Vincent Boyle
(9-5, +196)

4. Theresa Brousson (MLT) (8-6, +716)

5. Colin Northmore (Eng) (8-6, +320)

6. Bob Violett (Eng) (8-6, +204)

7. Debbe Hossy (ZAF) (8-6, -387)

8. Steve Perry (Eng) (7.5-6.5, +349)

9. Cecil Muscat (MLT) (7-7, +319)

10. Ruth MacInerney (Eng) (7-7, +297)

Rd 15

[photo of Stefan Rau]
1. Stefan Rau
(12-3, +646)

[photo of Karen Richards]
2. Karen Richards
(11-4, +584)

[no photo available]
3. Colin Northmore
(9-6, +347)

4. Bob Violett (Eng) (9-6, +221)

5. Vincent Boyle (Sco) (9-6, +179)

6. Steve Perry (Eng) (8.5-6.5, +362)

7. Theresa Brousson (MLT) (8-7, +689)

8. Paul Richards (AUS) (8-7, +191)

9. Nicky Vella-Laurenti (MLT) (8-7, -233)

10. Debbe Hossy (ZAF) (8-7, -400)

Rd 16

[photo of Stefan Rau]
1. Stefan Rau
(13-3, +717)

[photo of Karen Richards]
2. Karen Richards
(11-5, +513)

[no photo available]
3. Colin Northmore
(10-6, +379)

4. Steve Perry (Eng) (9.5-6.5, +389)

5. Theresa Brousson (MLT) (9-7, +738)

6. Bob Violett (Eng) (9-7, +189)

7. Vincent Boyle (Sco) (9-7, +152)

8. Nicky Vella-Laurenti (MLT) (9-7, -224)

9. Ruth MacInerney (Eng) (8-8, +251)

10. Paul Richards (AUS) (8-8, +142)

Jump to Round: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

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