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Ravee took a full set of player photos against the green BRAND'S backdrop, and had glossy nametags ready by the end of the day. Here, he's taking Karen Richards's (AUS) photo.
Kristen Chew registers the arriving Austin Shin (Eng)
Kristen Chew registers the arriving Austin Shin (Eng)
First round annotation: Paul Richards (AUS) vs. Adam Logan (CAN) at Board 2
Paul Richards (AUS) vs. Adam Logan (CAN) at Board 2; Karen Richards (AUS) vs. Nigel Richards (NZL) at Board 1
Sanmi Odelana (Eng) vs. Panupol Sujjayakorn (THA) at Board 3; Komol Panyasophonlert (THA) vs. Sanjoy Gupta (IND) at Board 4
The playing area
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