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Odette Carmina Rio (PHL) vs. Nigel Richards (NZL) at Board 2
Jakkrit Klaphajone (THA) vs. Pichai Limprasert (THA) at Board 1
Jakkrit Klaphajone (THA) vs. Pichai Limprasert (THA) at Board 1
Jakkrit Klaphajone (THA) vs. Pichai Limprasert (THA) at Board 1
Jakkrit Klaphajone (THA) vs. Pichai Limprasert (THA) at Board 1
Jakkrit Klaphajone (THA) vs. Pichai Limprasert (THA) at Board 1
Jakkrit Klaphajone (THA) speaking with the Thai Deputy Minister for Education, Amnuay Ploysangngam (THA), and other event dignitaries.
Jakkrit Klaphajone (THA) speaking with the Thai Deputy Minister for Education, Amnuay Ploysangngam (THA), and other event dignitaries.
Bob Jackman (AUS) vs. Antonio Malonzo (PHL) at Board 27; Bob's 602-point score includes the natural nine-timer BEWILDER.
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