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Austin Shin (Eng)
Phil Kelly (Eng)
David Webb (Eng)
Vincent Boyle (Sco)
Pauline Russell (IRL)
Kevin Synnott (Eng)
Charles Micallef (MLT)
Nicky Vella-Laurenti (MLT)
Naomi Landau (ISR)
John Barker (AUS)
Simon Gillam (Sco)
Cecil Muscat (MLT)
Ray Tate (Sco)
Theresa Brousson (MLT)
Bob Violett (Eng)
Jayne Mackenzie (NIr)
Mario Saliba (MLT)
John Hamilton (AUS)
David Delicata (MLT)
Austin Shin (Eng) vs. John Hamilton (AUS) at Board 1, featuring John's first 7-tile overlap.